Episode Archive
261 episodes of The EuroWhat? Podcast: Eurovision News & Reviews since the first episode, which aired on January 9th, 2018.
Episode 128: Bordspel
August 16th, 2021 | Season 4 | 37 mins 19 secs
iceland, italy, netherlands, san marino, spain, ukraine
Dave Steeves facilitates a play through of the Eurovision Song Contest Board Game. Mike en Ben verstaan de Nederlandse taal niet.
Episode 127: New Wave
August 2nd, 2021 | Season 4 | 32 mins 34 secs
italy, latvia, moldova, russia, spain, ukraine
New Wave has been part of the music competition journey for many Eurovision contestants. We take a look at the contest's history.
Episode 126: A Song Called Hate
July 19th, 2021 | Season 4 | 38 mins 20 secs
australia, belarus, iceland, israel, italy, norway
Film buff and Eurofan Evan Stewart joins us to discuss the Hatari documentary A Song Called Hate.
Episode 125: The Discourse 2021
July 5th, 2021 | Season 4 | 28 mins 32 secs
cyprus, iceland, italy, moldova, netherlands, ukraine, united kingdom
Meredith Clark joins us to discuss some of the societal issues that Eurovision struggles to address in the fandom discourse.
Episode 124: It was the Elves
June 22nd, 2021 | Season 4 | 31 mins 29 secs
iceland, netherlands, norway, spain
Author Seanan McGuire joins us to explain how the elves helped Eurovision Song Contest: the Story of Fire Saga earn a Hugo nomination.
Episode 123: Live on Tape
June 8th, 2021 | Season 4 | 39 mins 46 secs
belarus, belgium, croatia, czech republic, greece, iceland, italy, latvia, lithuania, malta, moldova, norway, poland, romania, russia, san marino, serbia, switzerland, ukraine
Bre Booker joins us to discuss the pre-recorded Live on Tape performances from the 2021 Eurovision Song Celebration YouTube specials.
Episode 122: Revised Head Canon
May 25th, 2021 | Season 4 | 40 mins 23 secs
bulgaria, croatia, czech republic, denmark, finland, germany, iceland, ireland, israel, italy, latvia, malta, moldova, netherlands, portugal, romania, russia, san marino, switzerland, ukraine, united kingdom
Ryan's back! We help to provide a revised head canon to fill the gap between 2018 and 2021 and review this year's Eurovision Song Contest.
Episode 121: Eurovision 2021 Grand Final Preview
May 21st, 2021 | Season 4 | 22 mins 52 secs
albania, azerbaijan, belgium, bulgaria, cyprus, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, israel, italy, lithuania, malta, moldova, netherlands, norway, portugal, russia, san marino, serbia, spain, sweden, switzerland, ukraine, united kingdom
33 songs competed on the Eurovision stage Tuesday and Thursday but only 20 advanced to the 2021 Grand Final. Who will win the Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam?
Episode 120: Eurovision 2021 Semi-Final Preview
May 16th, 2021 | Season 4 | 25 mins 40 secs
albania, australia, austria, azerbaijan, belgium, bulgaria, croatia, cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, georgia, greece, iceland, ireland, israel, latvia, lithuania, malta, moldova, north macedonia, norway, poland, portugal, romania, russia, san marino, serbia, slovenia, sweden, switzerland, ukraine
The Eurovision 2021 Semi-Final Spectacular is here! We make our picks for the 20 songs we think will qualify for the Grand Final in Rotterdam.
Episode 119: Critical Condition
May 11th, 2021 | Season 4 | 45 mins 5 secs
france, germany, italy, netherlands, spain, united kingdom
Mark Blankenship joins us to discuss the Eurovision auto-qualifiers. Are the Big 5 and the Netherlands in good shape or are they in critical condition?
Episode 118: Over-Egged Pudding
May 4th, 2021 | Season 4 | 40 mins 59 secs
bulgaria, denmark, finland, latvia, portugal, switzerland
Maura Johnston joins us to discuss the last section of Eurovision 2021 Semi 2. Topics include pudding, track suits, and CVS Bangers.
Episode 117: Cake or Death
April 27th, 2021 | Season 4 | 34 mins 30 secs
albania, georgia, iceland, moldova, serbia
Taber Bain helps us navigate cake body horror, Jenna Maroney energy, and existential despair in the Eurovision experience.